Popular Marketing Techniques For MSMEs

Even though marketing might be difficult on a short budget, there are still many things a small business owner can do to build and keep their clientele with some unique marketing techniques. It is now simpler for small company owners to discover a strategy to establish a presence and draw knowledgeable customers thanks to the growth of digital marketing.

It is beneficial to develop a buyer persona for the target audience you want to attract with your marketing materials before your company begins selling a product. When you know who your target client is, you may choose from a variety of marketing strategies. Most of them are free or inexpensive strategies (sometimes called guerrilla marketing). You may employ certain ones at various points in your company cycle, or you can use them all at once right once.

A client base is the first thing you should obtain when starting a business. You can put together a sizable advertising campaign without having to pay for space if you have a quality printer, a phone, and a gadget that can access the internet. We’ll take a closer look at seven of these small company marketing techniques & strategies.

List Of Some Marketing Techniques


This is the carpet-bombing approach to subpar marketing. You choose a location for your business and hand out fliers to all the mailboxes around. Your leaflet should be succinct and straight to the point, outlining the services or goods you sell and including your contact details. It never hurts to provide a free evaluation, voucher, or discount.


The majority of grocery stores, public areas, and shopping centres provide free bulletin board space for notifications and ads. Although the effectiveness of this strategy is hit-or-miss, you should make an effort to make your poster very noticeable and have detachable tabs that clients may use to receive a discount. To see which site is generating the most leads, give each a different colour on the tabs. You can better target your campaign if one region generates the majority of your leads (flyers, ads in local media catering to those areas, cold calling, etc.)

Value Enhancements

Value-added features are effective marketing techniques nfor any item or service. Value adds appear to be quite similar to discounts and free consultations, but their main goal is to raise client happiness and make you stand out from the competition.

Guarantees, discounts for loyal clients, point cards, and referral incentives are all examples of common value enhancements. The store that provides a point card or preferred customer card is what a consumer will choose between two shops that are comparable to one another. To offer value, you don’t have to make impossible promises. Instead, mention something about your product or service that the buyer might not be aware of. When producing your promotional materials, it’s crucial to emphasise the value added.

Referral Systems

A company may benefit greatly from referral networks, which frequently comprise customers who are incentivized to recommend others by offering discounts or other incentives. However, business-to-business recommendations are also a part of referral networks. Make sure you are receiving a referral if you have ever said, “We don’t do/sell it here, but X down the block does,” before continuing.

This network is much more powerful when it comes to occupations in white-collar fields. People are referred to an accountant by a lawyer, a broker by an accountant, and a real estate agent by a financial planner. The individual bets their professional reputation on the reference in each of these scenarios.

Whatever your line of employment, be careful to build a referral network that shares your philosophy and dedication to excellence. Finally, keep in mind that your competition isn’t necessarily your adversary when it comes to referral networks. Offer them a job if you are too busy to accept it. Most of the time, the favour will be returned. Additionally, making a consumer wait too long might hurt your reputation.


While advertising might assist in your job search, your post-work activities are frequently a far more effective marketing strategy. One of the finest ways to get feedback on the effectiveness of your marketing campaign is through follow-up questionnaires.

  • Why did the client pick your company?
  • How did they find out about it?
  • Which rival businesses did they consider?
  • What resulted in the happiest customers?
  • What satisfied you the least?

Additionally, if your employment entails visiting customers, be sure to place a flier in surrounding mailboxes because others with similar needs and interests sometimes reside in the same neighbourhood.

Are cold calls not enjoyable? Yes. Important? Yes.

For many small companies, cold calling—whether it is over the phone or door to door—is a trial by fire. You are forced to market both your business and yourself when making cold calls. People won’t purchase anything from you (the one speaking to them) if they can’t buy you.

People may be as sarcastic and harsh on the phone as they like since there is no face-to-face interaction or the advantage of a smile (we are all guilty of this at one time or another). Cold calling, on the other hand, does force you to be flexible and creative when dealing with possible clients.

On the web

The value of the internet in creating a successful company cannot be overstated. With the exception of the advent and quick development of the internet, marketing techniques have remained mostly the same throughout the past 50 years.

At the absolute least, every business—even a neighbourhood café—should have a website with key information like its address and operating hours. When someone wants to buy anything, they Google it first, thus you need a point of access for them.

Additionally, you require a social media presence on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter in addition to a CMS with effective search engine optimization (SEO). At first, all of these digital skill may seem frightening. But now that publishing technology has advanced, free CMSs like WordPress, which is only one example, can accommodate all of these requirements. The internet is indeed a monster. Make it a cordial one.


You will probably discover that marketing has a very poor conversion rate. Even the most effective efforts only measure leads (and revenues that were converted from those leads) between 10% and 20%. This helps dispel any fantasies about fast achievement, but it also presents a chance for development.

Do you want a business to purchase your goods? Make a presentation outlining the advantages of that business. Do you desire a customer for your service? Give a price range or an example of the work you’ll accomplish for them. People will ultimately react if you are shameless, innovative, and confident.

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